Jackson’s Story

Written by Jackson’s Mom

My son Jackson was admitted to McMaster Childrens Hospital on August 9th with a stage 4 Burkitts Lymphoma diagnosis. He had two large tumours the size of our fists in his belly and two lesions on his lungs. The first two months were exceptionally rough and difficult with an aggressive chemotherapy treatment plan that would last 4 months living at the hospital. There were many hiccups along the way including dialysis, chest and neck tubes, intensive care, blood and plasma transfusions, sedations and lumbar punctures, side effects and challenges that no young child should ever face. After the first two treatments, we moved into the third which was less evasive. After the third in mid October, Jackson was given CT and other tests to see any results.  After three treatments, all tumours shrunk and disappeared except for one small spot. Jackson had surgery to remove his appendix and part of his bowel, taking out some of the tumour as well. This spot was tested and it was negative for active cancer cells, so it may just be scar tissue and residual effects. This was the news we needed to hear as a family because if that spot had been still active, we would have spent another 4 months in addition to the 3 already spent living in the hospital with even more aggressive chemo treatment. Thankfully, with the negative diagnosis of the leftover spot, we were able to complete one last round of chemotherapy last week. Jackson was let out of the hospital today and officially discharged! They are letting him finish the last few weeks in recovery at home, rather than in the hospital. He was able to ring the bell of completion today :) We are emotional and overwhelmed but incredibly happy. He still has a difficult road ahead of him, but we are so thankful and grateful that he is cleared. We want to thank everyone for your love and support. We couldn’t have had the strength that we did, had our community not rallied behind us showing encouragement and support. Thank you to all of you for everything you have done for Jackson and I.